

The Citrus Growers Association Cultivar Company (CGACC) serves CGA Growers as an alternative to private cultivar companies through a relationship that is more profitable for the cultivar owner and more affordable for the citrus grower. We are a not for profit but self sustaining company and value the relationships that we have with both growers and cultivar owners.

We are located in the friendly city of Gqeberha, South Africa.

Tel: +27 (41) 583-3464

CGA GDC (CGA Grower Development Company)

The CGA Grower Development Company is a non-profit company that was established in 2016 with the primary objective of making a significant impact on the transformation of the citrus industry. The operations of the CGA-GDC are funded by the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa from a levy received from citrus growers.

Agrihub Office Park, 477 Witherite Street (Off Lynnwood Road) The Willows, Pretoria
+27 (0)12 003 4209

Citrus Research International

CRI coordinates and funds research conducted by the CRI Group which includes close collaboration between CRI and a wide range of partners. There is a strong focus on the southern African citrus industry’s needs as they relate to the industry’s heavy reliance on export of fresh fruit to global markets.

Events & Communication queries:
Shop Sales & Product queries :
Research related queries :
Finance related queries :

+27 (0)13 759 8000

2 Baker Street

Citrus Academy

The Citrus Resource Warehouse is an online storage space for a variety of documents relevant and pertaining to the Southern African citrus industry.


Unit 8
22 on Main
Cnr of Greenway Close and Old Main Road
South Africa

Orange Heart

Orange Heart is the social responsibility initiative of the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa. It provides a structure through which citrus growers and other industry stakeholders can contribute to uplifting and supporting the people of South Africa, especially people living in rural citrus-growing regions. Uplifting those less fortunate and promoting rural growth and development is very important to the CGA. Through Orange Heart we encourage and enable the grower community to get involved and lend a hand.

River Biosciences

River Bioscience are bio-technology experts, with roots in South Africa, manufacturing and commercialising crop protection products and services for local and international citrus and other agricultural markets. We support top quality, sustainable and cost-effective crop production in an ecologically-friendly manner.


5th Floor, Fairview House, Fairview Office Building, 66 Ring Road, Greenacres, PE, 6045
Tel: +27 41 373 1409


X Sterile Insect Technique (Pty) Ltd provides effective, environmentally-friendly control of Thaumatotibia leucotreta or False Codling Moth (FCM) in citrus, table grapes, stone fruits and various other deciduous varieties, reducing FCM for the benefit of YOU – whether you are the producer, pack house, packer, exporter, importer, client or just benefitting from a healthier, lower pesticide environment.

PO Box 422, Citrusdal
7340, Western Cape
South Africa

Tel: +27 (0) 22 921 2993
Fax: +27 (0) 22 921 2993



Agbiz is a voluntary, dynamic and influential association of agribusinesses operating in South and southern Africa. Agbiz’s function is to ensure that agribusiness plays a constructive role in the country’s economic growth, development and transformation, and to create an environment in which agribusinesses of all sizes and in all sectors can thrive, expand and be competitive.

Tel: +27 (0) 12 807 6686
Fax: +27 (0) 12 807 5600

Fruit SA

Fruit South Africa (Fruit SA) is the collective platform representing the South African fruit industry, dedicated to engaging constructively with government and other strategic stakeholders on policy, legislation, and industry matters. It promotes transformation through the coordination of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), skills development, and training initiatives. Fruit SA also collates and communicates key industry-related information to stakeholders and the broader public, and provides a platform for electronic certification.

Grain Building Agri-Hub
Office Park
477 Witherite Road
The Willows

Fresh Produce Exporter's Forum

The Fresh Produce Exporters’ Forum (FPEF) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation with more than 150 members, accounting for about 90% of fresh fruit exported from South Africa. The FPEF is also a member of Fruit South Africa, together with the country’s main growers’ associations. This position strengthens the FPEF’s role of providing leadership and services to its members, the international buying community and the fresh produce export industry as a whole.

+21 526 0474
The Colosseum Building, Foyer 3, 1st Floor, Regus Desk, Century Boulevard, Century City, 7441

SA Fruit Journal

This bilingual, bi-monthly magazine’s main purpose is to transfer information to all role players and those interested parties in the SA Fruit Industry. We publish popular as well as scientific research articles of interest with subjects ranging from product innovation, agricultural services and training, marketing and exports, to international news and trends. This publication is an informative communication tool that unites the SA Fruit Industry.

Catherine Milward-Bridges (Editor)

Ignatius Vlok (Advertising Manager)
Cell: +27 (0)82 331 2127

Filda Booysen (Enquiries, Subscribers)
Tel: +27 (0)21 870 2900
Fax: +27 (0)21 870 2915


SHAFFE (Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters) is a voluntary, country-based membership organization that represents a significant portion of the global fresh fruit supply. It accounts for 25% of the total fresh fruit traded worldwide, exporting 11.7 million tonnes of fresh fruit annually, valued at approximately US$16 billion.

Rue de Trèves 49-51, bte 8 B-1040 Brussels
Telephone: 0032 2777 15 80

Get in Contact

For inquiries, feedback, or assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by sending us your email and we will get back to you or contact us direcly on our contact page.